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Safety & Emergency Response Team (SERT) CLUB


SERT promotes the safety and well-being of the OHCC community by offering residents opportunities to enhance their knowledge, skills, and preparedness for local incidents and natural disasters that could impact their quality of life.


As a Senior Community, we recognize our unique needs. This website is designed with simplicity in mind, ensuring easy navigation for all users.

We aim to educate OHCC residents on general safety practices and disaster preparedness measures relevant to potential hazards in our area. Through informative tips and training sessions, we empower individuals to enhance their safety awareness.


Moreover, we provide comprehensive training in essential disaster response skills, including fire safety, light search and rescue techniques, team coordination, and initial disaster medical assistance.

Equipped with the knowledge and skills acquired in training sessions and exercises, SERT members stand ready to assist fellow OHCC residents in the aftermath of an incident, particularly when professional responders may be delayed or unavailable.


SERT members are encouraged to actively participate in the Neighbor-Helping-Neighbor committee, which offers support to residents who may require additional assistance during major incidents, natural disasters, or significant life changes affecting the OHCC community.


We invite you to join us in fostering a safer, more vigilant, and better-prepared OHCC community. Together, let's ensure that we are equipped to handle emergencies and disasters effectively, benefiting both ourselves and our neighbors.

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