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SAFETY COORDINATOR - Roles & Responsibilities


Know your Neighbors, Encourage Safety Preparedness



  • Introduce yourself and your role to those residents assigned to you by communicating via emails, notes in tubes, SERT meeting videos, phone calls and/or “masked” social gatherings.

  • Welcome new residents on your assigned street and share basic information about the SERT Club.

  • Encourage residents to join SERT and get involved.

  • For overall safety, complete the NHN Resident Form for each assigned home (all residents),

    • make sure they know about the Red/Green (Help/OK) incident sign and the “Vial of Life” form,

    • clarify if special assistance will be needed in the event of a disaster: mobility issues, electric power for medical equipment or if the resident might offer to help others and what resources they might have.

  • Align the helpers with those who will need help in an emergency. Seek out more resources if needed.

  • Inform the Emergency Response Team member for your area of any resident who will need help in an emergency.

  • Maintain communication with your neighbors and share their concerns and needs to NHN leadership.

  • Assist in conducting the Home Safety Educational Survey for Club members.

  • Keep the NHN Co-Chairpersons informed of your progress or any issues.

  • Encourage neighbors to get to know each other and contribute to a friendly and helpful atmosphere with random acts of kindness, promote socially distanced gatherings of neighbors.    

  • Join with other Safety Coordinators to share ideas, resources, or issues.

  • Keep neighbors apprised of SERT safety presentations, training sessions and promote an overall safer atmosphere, share safety related information so that everyone will be prepared for disasters.

  • Participate in your street’s SERT Club orientation and/or social events, keep informed of SERT activities, efforts, and resources via the SERT website and encourage residents on your assigned street to do the same.


Neighborhoods that are prepared for emergencies and disaster situations reduce the severity of injuries and trauma, lessening property damage, and saving lives. If we all contribute as individuals and work together as a team, we will help develop a stronger community and improve our chances for a better outcome in the event of adverse occurrences.


Note: In the event of an incident or emergency, SERT has trained tactical and first aid responders (ERT members) with 2-way radios who will be checking on residents in OHCC. This is not the job of the Safety Coordinator.

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