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Meet our new SERT Partner –

     Listos California


Sponsored and supported by the State of California, the purpose of Listos (meaning Ready in Spanish) is to ready communities such as OHCC for disasters.


SERT has partnered with Listos to provide Emergency Preparedness information and education to our community.


You can access the Listos website at  View a brief 90-second video about Listos, click here.


Listos & SERT recommend these five SAFETY steps for any disaster:


  1. Get alerts to know what to do

  2. Make a Plan

  3. Get to safety with things you need

  4. Stay safe at home when you cannot leave

  5. Help friends and neighbors get ready


…and remember these four basic tips:


  • Carry Identification

  • Build A Support Network

  • Have Extra Medications

  • Manage Stress


Click on these links below for helpful information:

First Aid Kit For Your Mind

Disaster Ready Guide - English

Disaster Ready Guide - Spanish

Quick Earthquake Guide

Quick Wildfire Guide

San Diego County Information Sheet

Personal Documents Checklist

Preparing for Public Health Emergencies

What is Your Disaster Risk Map 

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