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SERT Basic Training Course - Four Sessions

Copies of the training slides for each session can be downloaded by clicking on the link below.  If you have a MAC computer download the PDF file.


Pre-reading Assignments for the 2024/25 CERT Participant Manual - PDF


Session 1 - PowerPoint     PDF


Session 2 - PowerPoint    PDF


Session 3 - PowerPoint    PDF


Session 4 - PowerPoint    PDF


Personal Safety Briefing - 33-minutes click on link below to view

YouTube Recording



FEMA CERT Training – Complete list of CERT training materials for Command, Leaders, and Tactical SERT members.


       Order FREE training Manual for first time participants




Video Highlights:











CERT Instructions Training Manual


Drills and Exercises - Under Construction

Drills are excellent opportunities for SERT member to practice, assess and improve emergency response plans and on-the-ground operations while engaging their volunteers and refreshing the concepts and skills learned in SERT training.


These exercises were developed according to national guidance and principles outlined by the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program. It is important that SERT programs tailor their exercises to reflect realistic events that may impact their community to practice skills they need to test or practice most.

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